Description:In the quaint heartland of rural India, Panchanan Sapui, a gifted yet impoverished polymath, resides in the benevolent Ramtanu Babu's household with his wife Padmavati and their son Bhootnath. Following Panchanan's untimely demise, Bhootnath inherits his father's humble rice warehouse and clandestine gambling den. As Bhootnath navigates the complexities of love, family, and fate, he finds himself entwined in a romantic affair with Gauri, Ramtanu Babu's lovely daughter. However, their love is threatened by Totla Totaram, the ambitious son of Ramtanu Babu's friend Kestcharan. In a serendipitous twist, Bhootnath's life takes a dramatic turn when, disguised as Lord Shiva, he encounters four hapless ghosts in the forest. Mistaking him for the divine Mahadev, the ghosts shower him with blessings, transforming his destiny. Upon awakening, Bhootnath discovers his dreams have miraculously materialized. As the story unfolds, Bhootnath's journey culminates in a joyous union with Gauri, restoring harmony.